Members' Spring Hike at Arabia Mountain Members Only
Members Only Free Event Group Tour Nature Walk/Hike Public Restroom Free Public Parking Lots of Physical Activity
Join TN Valley Wild Ones members and hike leader, Stephan Eselgroth, MD, for a unique spring wildflower hike at the Arabia National Heritage Area, in Stonecrest, Georgia. Dr. Eselgroth has over 20 years of natural and sustainable native habitat gardening experience, RainSmart Yard and NWF certifications at his home, and is an active volunteer and hikes manager for our Wild Ones chapter.
Along the southeast margins of Atlanta lie several massive granite outcrops. Called monadnocks, the largest of them include Stone, Panola and Arabia mountains. Geologically, they are residual plumes of magma called plutons, and have resisted erosion relative to their surroundings. We will visit the oldest, Arabia, that formed 400 million years ago. It offers us viewing of unique habitats, with several endemic native plants. In 1972, the Davidson family donated 500+ acres of Arabia Mountain and surrounding lands to DeKalb County for a nature preserve. Through further acquisitions, this now includes 2,550 acres, with a trail system along several granite outcrops and two lakes. There are two endangered plant species and many endemic species found only on rock outcrops. A prime opportunity at Arabia is the spring bloom of extensive colonies of the beautiful diamorpha (elf orpine), which thrives in the shallow solution pits or edges of pools characteristic of weathered granite. The Arabia monadnock underwent significant quarrying activities and remained mostly open and free from regrowth of shrub and canopy vegetation. This favors the diamorpha, wooly ragwort, hairy stem spiderwort, pool sprite, Georgia oak and other disturbance dependent species.
The trail winds around the lake, and up the massive granite formation. Mostly easy with short moderate sections, to see savanna, lakeside, smooth rock slopes and 360 degree views. Includes unique solution pits, seeps, pools and rock formations. We plan to also check out even higher densities of diamorpha at the main quarry and more plants, dragonflies, salamanders and frogs at the pond behind the nature center. Potential stop about 45 minutes out of the way at the Nearly Native Nursery on the return trip.
Rating: Easy with a few moderate sections for a short elevation gain/loss or uneven terrain.
Distance: 3 miles at Arabia mtn top loop, and 1 mile at quarry. Approximately 4 hours at the trails.
Links: Arabia Mountain Nature Preserve, iNaturalist Arabia Mtn species, Trail Maps
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