CNP Botany I
REFLECTION RIDING Arboretum and Nature Center, 400 Garden Rd, Chattanooga, TN, 37419 Map
Public Welcome Paid Event Program/Speaker Presentation Hands-On/How-To Workshop
This is a core class for the Certificate in Native Plants and offers 6 credits toward the program's completion. The goal of the class is to provide students with a basic understanding of botany which is critical to understanding how plants work in the natural world. For example, what exactly is a Plant? Here we take a look at the qualities that plants share with other living things, as well as characteristics that set them apart. We also examine the range of different organisms that make up the plant kingdom. Specific topics include: living vs. non-living things, matter, energy, chemistry, cells and their functions, photosynthesis, respiration, natural and artificial selection, and the diversity of the plant world.
Instructors: Richard Clements, PhD & Mary Priestley
CORE Class (6 credits)