Events Calendar


CNP Spring Ephemerals and Communities Hike

This event has ended
Saturday, April 6th, 2024
to (Central Time)
Sewanee, Sewanee, TN Map

Public Welcome Paid Event Program/Speaker Presentation Nature Walk/Hike Free Public Parking Lots of Physical Activity

This course will explore the rich spring flora of Shakerag Hollow, an old-growth cove forest located on the campus of the University of the South in Sewanee, TN.
Participants will be taught how to identify over 30 species of wildflowers and learn about the ecology of this highly diverse forest community. Wildflower display in Shakerag
Hollow rivals that found in the Great Smoky Mountains and this course will occur during peak flowering time. Participants will be required to make a ½ mile leisurely trek along a moderately steep trail into the cove and then back out again.
Preparing for class:
Review this website featuring flora of Shakerag Hollow:
What to Bring with You: Bring a copy of the TN Native Plant Society’s Wildflowers of Tennessee by Horn and Cathcart, if you have it. If you have a 10x magnifier, that would also be helpful. We will provide you with a list of plant species you are likely to see along with a picture sheet to use in the field.

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