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CNP Design and Maintenance Considerations for Building Bird Habitat with Native Plants (E)

This event has ended
Saturday, January 14th, 2023
to (Eastern Time)

Public Welcome Limited Access Recording Paid Event Program/Speaker Presentation

Birds can be an indicator of the health and biodiversity of the landscapes around us. Our landscape design and management practices can make a big difference in whether birds decide to ignore or explore our built environments.
Part One - Introduction to Bird-Friendly Habitat
• How to make birds disappear
• Native plants are critical for birds
• Types of resources plants provide
• Kestone species
• Invasive plants at a glance
• Improving habitat resources

Part Two - Design Considerations for
Developing Bird-Friendly Habitat
• Ecology lights a path
• Lessons from SITES and hierarchy of
landscape intervention
• Basic habitat structures
• Landscape layers through the lens of ecology
• Amplify resources
• Disturbance

Part Three - Managing Bird-Friendly Habitat
• You might be scaring them away
• Gardening by subtraction
• Realigning management with bird lifestyles
• Building habitat through management

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