Events Archive: 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025 | Upcoming Events
March 2025
Public - Spring Plant Sale
Public Welcome Family-Friendly Free Event Seed/Plant Sale Wheelchair Accessible Free Public Parking
2025 Spring Plant Sale!
Join us for this free event. A variety of local and regional native plant nurseries will be selling a large selection of plants.
Some vendors may take pre-orders as well – contact them individually for more info.
Confirmed vendors:
Growing Old Nursery
April 2025
Certificate in Native Plants - Spring Wildflower Hike
North Chickamauga Creek State Natural Area, 354 Montlake Rd, Soddy-Daisy, TN, 37379 Map
Paid Event Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation Hands-On/How-To Workshop Nature Walk/Hike Free Public Parking Lots of Physical Activity
The course will explore in depth the ecology, spring wildflowers, and temperate deciduous forest of the North Chickamauga Creek State Natural Area. Topics will include local geology, the forest system, plant interactions, wildflower life histories, and wildflower identification. The class will take place along a½-mile 1`trail from the parking lot to the crossing of North Chickamauga Creek, with two short side trips.
PLEASE NOTE: Participants will be required to make a ½ mile leisurely trek along a moderately steep trail into the cove and then back out again. People with mobility and balance issues have found this hike challenging.
Note also that there are no facilities at this venue, so you need to take care of any needs at the Circle K convenience store at the corner on Old Dayton Pike and Montlake Road.
What to bring with you:
Bring a copy of the Tennessee Native Plant Society’s Wildflowers of Tennessee by Horn and Cathcart, if you have it. If you have a 10x magnifier, that would also be helpful. We will provide you with a list of plant species you are likely to see along with a picture sheet to use in the field. Hiking shoes and rain gear will be needed along with any snacks or water needed.
Public Program: Learn to Harvest: Permaculture and Invasive Species Remediation
Joseph Glasscock Community Center, 3653 Tom Weathers Dr, Chattanooga, TN, 37415 Map
Public Welcome Free Event Program/Speaker Presentation Wheelchair Accessible Public Restroom Free Public Parking
Join us for a presentation by Nathaniel Bankhead for a presentation about permaculture and invasive species management.
This talk is an invitation to a more thoughtful and energy-conscious approach to invasive plant remediation and native plant restoration, because harvesting is more skillful than killing. Nathaniel will utilize examples of Wild Violet and others' work in removing invasive plants via grazing, medicine making, composting and more while reintroducing native edible and medicinal species.
Born and raised in Tennessee, Nathaniel has spent time as a farmer, teacher and learner in Colorado, Washington, Oregon, Kansas and Kentucky. Attracted to permaculture out of a desire to draw on the best of both agroecology and community development, he is owner and operator of Wild Violet Permaculture. He specializes in land restoration with a focus on reforestation, grazing, and medicinal herbs. His clientele include nonprofit organizations, the City of Chattanooga, and private landowners across southern Appalachia. Check out the website for educational opportunities, including a locals only permaculture design course.
Members' Spring Hike at Arabia Mountain Members Only
Members Only Free Event Group Tour Nature Walk/Hike Public Restroom Free Public Parking Lots of Physical Activity
Join TN Valley Wild Ones members and hike leader, Stephan Eselgroth, MD, for a unique spring wildflower hike at the Arabia National Heritage Area, in Stonecrest, Georgia. Dr. Eselgroth has over 20 years of natural and sustainable native habitat gardening experience, RainSmart Yard and NWF certifications at his home, and is an active volunteer and hikes manager for our Wild Ones chapter.
Along the southeast margins of Atlanta lie several massive granite outcrops. Called monadnocks, the largest of them include Stone, Panola and Arabia mountains. Geologically, they are residual plumes of magma called plutons, and have resisted erosion relative to their surroundings. We will visit the oldest, Arabia, that formed 400 million years ago. It offers us viewing of unique habitats, with several endemic native plants. In 1972, the Davidson family donated 500+ acres of Arabia Mountain and surrounding lands to DeKalb County for a nature preserve. Through further acquisitions, this now includes 2,550 acres, with a trail system along several granite outcrops and two lakes. There are two endangered plant species and many endemic species found only on rock outcrops. A prime opportunity at Arabia is the spring bloom of extensive colonies of the beautiful diamorpha (elf orpine), which thrives in the shallow solution pits or edges of pools characteristic of weathered granite. The Arabia monadnock underwent significant quarrying activities and remained mostly open and free from regrowth of shrub and canopy vegetation. This favors the diamorpha, wooly ragwort, hairy stem spiderwort, pool sprite, Georgia oak and other disturbance dependent species.
The trail winds around the lake, and up the massive granite formation. Mostly easy with short moderate sections, to see savanna, lakeside, smooth rock slopes and 360 degree views. Includes unique solution pits, seeps, pools and rock formations. We plan to also check out even higher densities of diamorpha at the main quarry and more plants, dragonflies, salamanders and frogs at the pond behind the nature center. Potential stop about 45 minutes out of the way at the Nearly Native Nursery on the return trip.
Rating: Easy with a few moderate sections for a short elevation gain/loss or uneven terrain.
Distance: 3 miles at Arabia mtn top loop, and 1 mile at quarry. Approximately 4 hours at the trails.
Links: Arabia Mountain Nature Preserve, iNaturalist Arabia Mtn species, Trail Maps
Registration now open
TN Valley Chapter Quarterly Board Meeting Members Only
Members Only Chapter Meeting
Board members meet to discuss our chapter's progress and make decisions when necessary.
Landscapes in Progress Signal Mountain, TN area Members Only
Signal Mountain, TN area. Exact locations & addresses will be given to registered participants.
Members Only Free Event Home/Private Garden Tour Public Restroom Free Public Parking
Landscapes in Progress events were designed as a way for our members to learn more about native plant gardening from the experiences of other members. Like all of our gardens, these gardens are "in progress." They do not have to be perfect, although there are always some really amazing and beautiful things to see! We have found that these garden visits are a great way to learn about a variety of native plants and the conditions in which they thrive.
Join members of the Tennessee Valley Chapter of Wild Ones for a tour of 2 of our members' gardens. Both gardens are in the Signal Mountain, TN area. Click the “Read More” link below for more information.
May 2025
Certificate in Native Plants - Native Plant Communities - CORE Course
Private Residence near Chattanooga, Tn
Paid Event Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation Hands-On/How-To Workshop Nature Walk/Hike Public Restroom Free Public Parking
Overview: Plant Communities is a biology/ecology-based core course required for the Certificate in Native Plants. It will be an in-person course scheduled for six hours of instruction and self-study. The course will be a combination of outdoor observations and PowerPoint presentations. Students will go home with instructions to adopt a plant community of his/her choosing and using guiding questions, prepare a report to be returned to the instructors.
Plant communities are assemblages of plant species living together in a given place. Interactions among plant species, the interactions plants have with other organisms, and the interactions plants have with their physical environment all work together to determine the community's structure over time. This class will give an overview on these interactions throughout the globe and a more specific study of the plant communities that occur in our region and the multitude of factors that create them.
Location: The location will be sent to registrants with other pre-class materials.
Materials to bring! Notebook, pencils, snacks, water, and a lunch. This class will be both in and out of doors, please wear weather-appropriate clothing and foot wear.
Public Program: "Seeds for Education"
Joseph Glasscock Community Center, 3653 Tom Weathers Dr, Chattanooga, TN, 37415 Map
Public Welcome Free Event Program/Speaker Presentation Wheelchair Accessible Public Restroom Free Public Parking
The program will be a panel of participants describing their experiences in installing school native plant gardens. See Angela Dittmar to participate.
Landscapes in Progress Members Only
TBA. Exact locations & addresses will be given to registered participants.
Members Only Free Event Home/Private Garden Tour Public Restroom Free Public Parking
Landscapes in Progress events were designed as a way for our members to learn more about native plant gardening from the experiences of other members. Like all of our gardens, these gardens are "in progress." They do not have to be perfect, although there are always some really amazing and beautiful things to see! We have found that these garden visits are a great way to learn about a variety of native plants and the conditions in which they thrive.
Join members of the Tennessee Valley Chapter of Wild Ones for a tour of 2 of our members' gardens. Stay tun ed. More information is coming soon!
Members' Hike - AEDC and May Prairie wildflower walk Members Only
Members Only Free Event Group Tour Nature Walk/Hike Lots of Physical Activity
Join us on a hike led by Dennis Horn, TNPS Charter member/Author/Naturalist and botanical guru. He will be our hike guide and lead us through middle Tennessee's Barrens ecosystem for grassland species at the Arnold Engineering Development Center and at May Prairie. Dennis is co-author of “Wildflowers of Tennessee,” and you can bring your copy for an autograph or purchase an updated edition at the hike.
First walk along with us roadside and into the large power line cut at Arnold Engineering Development Center (AEDC) to see slender blue Iris (Iris prismatica), cinnamon fern (Osmundastrum cinnamomeum), native orchids: tuberous grasspink (Calopogon tuberosus), spreading pogonia (Cleistesiopsis bifaria), and possibly ragged fringed orchid (Platanthera lacera) and rose pogonia (Pogonia ophioglossoides). We should also find early blooms of death camas (previously known as Zigadenus leimanthoides, now Stenanthium tennesseense).
Then on to May Prairie for examples of TN rare plants that are disjunct from the Gulf Coastal Plain and the prairies of the Midwest, with more than 300 species, 25 of which are rare in Tennessee. View blooms of paintbrush (Castilleja coccinea), marsh pea (Lathyrus palustris), early blooms of horned bladderpod (Utricularia cornuta), and swamp candles (Lysimachia terrestris), three eryngo species (Eryngium prostratum and possible early flowering Eryngium mississippiense, formerly E. integrifolium, plus vegetative Eryngium yuccifolium) and many more.
Easy walking and not to be missed. Stay tuned for further details!
Registration opens 4 weeks prior to event
June 2025
Certificate in Native Plants - The Magical World of Moss
REFLECTION RIDING Arboretum and Nature Center, 400 Garden Rd, Chattanooga, TN, 37419 Map
Paid Event Public Welcome Program/Speaker Presentation Nature Walk/Hike Wheelchair Accessible Public Restroom Free Public Parking Drinking Fountains
This course features an engaging Apple Keynote presentation exploring the art and science of cultivating a moss lawn or garden. Topics will include how to establish and maintain a thriving moss landscape, as well as the essential role mosses play in the environment. Weather and time permitting, we will also venture into the natural beauty of Reflection Riding to observe mosses in their native habitat.
July 2025
TN Valley Chapter Quarterly Board Meeting Members Only
Joseph Glasscock Community Center
Members Only Limited Access Recording Free Event Chapter Meeting Wheelchair Accessible Public Restroom Free Public Parking Drinking Fountains
Board members meet to discuss our chapter's progress and make decisions when necessary.
September 2025
September Wild Ones National Webinar
Hosted by Wild Ones NationalOnline/Virtual
Public Welcome Recording Available Free Event Program/Speaker Presentation
Details coming soon!
October 2025
Public - Fall Plant Sale
Public Welcome Family-Friendly Free Event Seed/Plant Sale Wheelchair Accessible Free Public Parking
Fall Plant Sale.
Fall is the perfect time for planting. Join us for this free event. A variety of local and regional native plant nurseries will be selling a large selection of plants.
October Wild Ones National Webinar
Hosted by Wild Ones NationalOnline/Virtual
Public Welcome Recording Available Free Event Program/Speaker Presentation
Details coming soon!
TN Valley Chapter Quarterly Board Meeting Members Only
Members Only Chapter Meeting
Board members meet to discuss our chapter's progress and make decisions when necessary.
November 2025
Chapter Annual Meeting Members Only
Members Only Free Event Chapter Annual Meeting
All Tennessee Valley Wild Ones members and guests are welcome to attend. We will have a potluck lunch, election of officers, highlights of 2025, and a plant swap. Please bring a dish and plants to share. This is a great time to visit with other native plant enthusiasts!
November Wild Ones National Webinar
Hosted by Wild Ones NationalOnline/Virtual
Public Welcome Recording Available Free Event Program/Speaker Presentation
Details coming soon!