The Tennessee Valley Chapter of Wild Ones is an organization for those interested in landscaping with native plants. We present guest speakers in educational programs throughout the year, as well as the annual Plant Natives! Symposium in early spring and the Bringing Nature Home Garden Tour highlighting landscapes that use native plants. These programs and events are open to the public.
The chapter also offers Certificate in Native Plants classes, in partnership with the Tennessee Native Plant Society and Reflection Riding Arboretum & Nature Center. Additional programs for members-only include field trips, regional hikes, visits to members’ gardens (Landscapes in Progress), social events and meetings.

The chapter has established the Chattanooga Area Pollinator Partnership (CHAPP), with a goal of restoring pollinator habitats in the Chattanooga area. CHAPP offers Seeds for Education grants to local school to assist in the establishment of butterfly gardens or other pollinator habitats.
Through its annual Habitat Hero Awards, the chapter recognizes individuals and organizations whose exemplary use of native plants demonstrate the mission of Wild Ones: To promote environmentally sound landscaping practices which preserve biodiversity through the preservation, restoration and establishment of native plant communities.
The Tennessee Valley Chapter of Wild Ones is 100% managed and operated by volunteers. You are invited visit our booths/tables at various community events, including the Reflection Riding Native Plant Sales, Crabtree Farms Plant Sales, Hamilton County Master Gardener Expo and other events throughout the year.